Category: Hacking Autism

InHacking AutismInclusion

A Social Stories App?

“Let’s take just one stakeholder example: students with disabilities, as well as their teachers and parents. Autism advocate and software developer Russ Ewell from the Hope Technology Group is excited. “Apple could unlock another door for autism with this breakthrough,” Ewell said. “Parents could create social story books.” So could special education teachers or therapists,…
InEducationHacking AutismInclusionTechnology

Could Apple Revolutionize Special Education?

Let’s take just one stakeholder example: students with disabilities, as well as their teachers and parents. Autism advocate and software developer Russ Ewell from the Hope Technology Group is excited. “Apple could unlock another door for autism with this breakthrough,” Ewell said. “Parents could create social story books.” So could special education teachers or therapists,…
InHacking AutismQuick Talk

Reflections on Hacking Autism

Americans’ entrepreneurial self-esteem is now embodied by Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. These are indeed fabulously innovative companies with world-beating business models. Yet one wonders if they are increasingly the exception, not the rule, and if the passing of Mr Jobs is simply the most prominent example of a broader decline in American entrepreneurship. Steve…
InHacking Autism

Let’s Talk Autism Burnout (Part 1)

This blog was born out of my desire to apply technology to the task of overcoming human limits.  The limits in mind were intellectual disabilities, especially autism. The first stage in the unfolding of this dream will soon be launched, in the form of a communication app for non-verbal children with autism.  We call it…
InHacking Autism

Hacking Autism: What It Means To Me

Discovery News published “Treating Autism:  There’s An App For That” on Monday, August 15.   It talks about the power and potential of touch technology to help people with autism.   It also mentions Hope Technology School, which is familiar to anyone who visits this blog or follows me on Twitter or Google+. The most exciting thing…