Category: Research

InEducationHacking AutismResearchTechnology

Disruption, DynaVox, and the iPad

Mobile technology and the in-the-garage development of apps for those with disabilities has brought Apple, Google, and Samsung into competition with DynaVox and Tobii. Individuals with disabilities limited to a few companies willing to meet their needs suddenly have significant choice. For the first time, those with disabilities are purchasing the same cutting edge technologies coveted by the general public. They are benefiting from the purchasing power of the majority, which creates ever decreasing prices combined with constantly improving features.

Thinking: noise or signal?

  “Think: Getting to #4” was my June 14 post about taking time to think.  When I listened to this TEDxO’Porto 2013 talk, my instincts were confirmed.  When we think we find the signal in the noise. The first 3 minutes of this talk by Jonathan MacDonald are riveting as he rifts on the deceptive…

Why Should Educators Consider Android?

ZDNet writer Eric Lai reported on a Javelin Strategy & Research report, which paints a more positive future for Android than previously assumed. “For the future, Google Android is expected to continue to gain consumer market share at Apple’s expense, until it takes the lead. While Android’s gains have come at the expense of profits, price-cutting is…