Category: Education


Librarians Matter

“A typical middle class child enters first grade with approximately 1,000 hours of being read to, while the corresponding child from a low-income family averages just 25 of those hours, such differences in the availability of book resources may have unintended and pernicious consequences for low-income children’ long term success in schooling. M. Adams, Beginning to…
InEducationHacking AutismInclusionTechnology

Could Apple Revolutionize Special Education?

Let’s take just one stakeholder example: students with disabilities, as well as their teachers and parents. Autism advocate and software developer Russ Ewell from the Hope Technology Group is excited. “Apple could unlock another door for autism with this breakthrough,” Ewell said. “Parents could create social story books.” So could special education teachers or therapists,…

Education + Technology = Hope

A child miseducated is a child lost John F. Kennedy A significant number of social and economic maladies afflicting every country can be attributed to a lack of education.  Nearly every negative social and economic statistic would decline, if we were more effective in educating our populations. Education is powerful, it changes lives.  The education…

On Teaching

I always viewed myself as a teacher, not a coach. John Wooden,  A Game Plan For Life I recently tweeted a recommendation to read Fred Wilson’s blog post on teaching.  It felt a bit odd, since he isn’t actually a teacher, at least not by traditional definitions.  He is a venture capitalist, but if you…