Author: Digital Scribbler


Why Inclusion Matters To The Growth and Development For All Children

Sports and physical activity are extremely beneficial to children’s development, not only developing their physical health but also their social skills, problem-solving abilities, and conflict-resolution skills. These activities should be accessible to all, not just those who are “able-bodied.” Children and adults with special needs, whether it be physical, developmental, or social disabilities, deserve to…

Everyone Can Create: Apple’s Educational Campaign is a Step Toward Inclusion

After two years of promoting its “Everyone Can Code” campaign that pushed for incorporating STEM and especially coding into schools’ learning objectives and curricula, Apple has shifted its focus to the notion that “Everyone can Create.” Through using their products, Apple hopes that not only will students be able to learn now to think creatively in a way that keeps them engaged, but teachers will also be able to be supported in incorporating new and creative ways into their curriculum that includes all types of students.