The 5 Levels of Inclusion & Why Inclusion Matters In Society

The 5 Levels of Inclusion is an inclusion philosophy developed by Russ Ewell years ago to help guide people on how true inclusion is a holistic approach. Russ sits down with his friend Greg Bodzioch and San Jose State University student Jackson Schaefer, who is studying Inclusive Physical Activity in Communities for his Kinesiology degree and has been a coach in the inclusive soccer program E-Soccer for the past 5 years.

Their discussion is sparked by the recent articles of Chris Kaposy and Ruth Marcus. There is a level of dehumanization of individuals with special needs that is neglected in society. This dehumanization can be solved if inclusion is embraced by each person. Often our view of those with special needs results in just sympathy but inclusion is not just the sympathy of those who have special needs but empathy matched with action, because inclusion is not just showing up or bringing a group of individuals with special needs on an outing, but engaging them on all the levels of humanity. They also touch on why Silicon Valley and the Bay Area could be a catalyst location for Comprehensive Inclusion in societies around the world.